Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Learning Outcome 4

Learning Outcome 4: Apply research to support learning in a technology-enhanced environment

This article I read was titled “Staying Connected: Online Education Engagement and Retention Using Educational Tools”.  The article focuses on educational technology tools used to help with student engagement and focusing on learning objectives to decrease student retention.   Salazar stated that, “The measurable impact on students’ learning depends on the way educational technology is used and the conditions under which it is implemented.”   

Online education works best when there is a high level of interaction between participants. Students should be very involved in the course and should be provided quick/detailed feedback to help them be successful.  Audio and video deliveries are two options for web-conferencing that can be provided live or through streaming. An organizational plan is important and should be developed before course materials are put online. 

Students today are thriving in a technology based learning environment.  It is wise for us to take advantage of this by providing learning opportunities based on their current technology skills and interest.  Educators should embrace this method, as it is the wave of the future as we advance in a global tech society.

Even as a kindergarten teacher, I have taught in a global tech academy and we used technology on a daily basis.  I was always amazed at how much students were able to learn and what they actually taught me.   I think adults are more fearful when it comes to teaching/learning with technology then children are.  

This generation is wired with technology as a part of their life.  It is second nature.  If we want to engage them, we need to attempt to include technology as much as possible.  Technology based careers are also becoming more prevalent and the need will continue to grow.  It is important that we prepare students for the future careers, careers that do not yet exist.

Salazar, J. (2010) Educational technology. Staying connected: online education engagement and retention using educational technology tools. Clinical Laboratory Science, 233-53. Retrieved from: http://web.a.ebscohost.com.proxy-library.ashford.edu/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=d0c5d1d8-ede6-49e2-a4e5-2d0665e56032%40sessionmgr4006&vid=2&hid=4214
Wiki Space: https://edu697radkecapstone.wikispaces.com/Discussion+Week+1

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